
Apart from various general speciality departments, other specialized departments like Neuro psychiatry, Physiatry, Cardiology,Neurology, Nephrology, Gastroenterology, Plastic and cosmetic surgeory, Laparoscopy, Infertility clinic, Asthma, Allergy and other specialty sections.

Dialysis unit, Arthroscopy unit. Echo Colour Dopler, Computerized Tread mill system, Microwave, ventilator ,Cardiac central monitoring system, Automatic Infusion Pumps, Defibrillator, Video Gastro Endoscope, Pulse Oxy metres, Ultra Sound Scan, E.C.G.Machine, Audio meter, C.M.Intensifier ,Interfiriter stimulator, Tilt bed, Heater Monitery, Street lab, Bio-microscope temporary pacemaker, L.N.T.Pulsi oxymeter, Mobile C.M.Machine, Boiler Machine Continuous motion delta electronic controltration and also includes all latest equipment.

We have facilities like an Intensive cardiac care unit with central oxygen system, Operation theatres, Ultrasound therapy unit, Medal occupational therapy unit, causality, Renewed labour rooms, Accident trauma care unit.

A Clinical Laboratory with Auto Analyzer and ELISA Reader, X-ray and also 24 hrs medical shop. our Hospital is also facilitated by a Neotology I.C.U for new born babies with an Incubator, Radiant warmer, Spot light and also Photo therapy. Very efficient and dedicated specialists, super specialist doctors and other staff members with a reasonable consulting rate support the welcare of the hospital.

Better Service With Less Expense

Apart from morning and evening O.P. sunday O.P and consulting is also provided. Sunday O.P time (10am-12 noon),other days (8am-5pm)

Contact us

District Co-operative hospital Ltd, Reg No: 306, Shornur Road, Thrissur

Immediate Help Line : 0487-2335550, 2335552, 2335551
